About us


African Biobank and Longitudinal epidemiological Ecosysten(ABLE)


To be the leading inclusive equitable on health ecosystem with data and biospecimen resource in africa for developing and implementing evidence-based innovative solutions towards improving the health and overall wellbeing of fricans and the human race.


To create the leading ecosystem with the largest one health data and biospecimen resource in africa to enable efficient and effective transdisciplinary innovative one health global scientific research collaborations leveraging resource and partners
across Africa for discovering, developing and implementing edidence-based
preventive measures and innovative precision medicine solutions to tackle health challenges in africa and the human race as a whole.


best Education


good health


help is our main goal!

ABLE is aimed at strengthening Africa leadership, harness and create the consolidated and federated large-scale one health data and biospecimen resoure network in africa for high impact research through policy and practice, to improve health, social and environment outcomes and challenges to contribute towards achieveing the sustainable development goals (SDG)

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we've funded 12,503 Research projects for 25M people around the world